Lets talk...We have a few ideas


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I am pleased to announce the launch of my new women's only travel division called, Patricia,

Noble Women Traveling Together.

I'm so excited about this new division, as I've recognized the need for women only itineraries over the years and I'm looking forward to bringing together small groups of women that want to explore, learn, have fun, and discover the world with other like minded women.

Why Patricia? This is a loving tribute to my own mother, Patricia, who passed away at the very young age of 44. She never got to travel the world, and I never got to travel with her. This division of my business is in her memory and her honor. Patricia means Noble, and what better way to describe this venture than Noble Women Traveling Together.

I invite you, Noble Women! Mothers, daughters, sisters, BFF's, solo women, whoever you are, find your Patricia and join us!

I'm planning our Patricia Women's Trip 2024

The Best of Greece!

Please keep checking back for more details or contact me.

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